Your Word Part 2

January 25, 2024

It’s not too late!  

Even if it takes you a month or more to decide on your word, you are not behind. Choosing a word asks you to spend some time in self reflection. Just thinking about what your word should be this year begins the process of awareness and presence.

Why choose a word? Your word will help you to maintain focus and clarity throughout the year. Think of it as a gentle guide to steer you in whatever direction you choose. Take your time with this one. Meditate on it, pray about it, journal your thoughts. Whatever works for you to gain clarity.

My word? To be honest, it didn’t come to me easily. I’ve been tossing it around in my thoughts, trying different words and thinking about what they mean to me at this time in my life. Then it came to me. Connection

Applying this word to different parts of my life looks like this…

  • Connecting with friends and loved ones.

  • Connecting the different parts of my life to flow together more seamlessly.

  • Connecting deeply and purposefully with my clients .

  • Connecting my own actions with my beliefs.

  • Connecting my “why” with my “shoulds” and turning them into wants.

Which of these areas stand out to you? Maybe one will be your starting point.

Physical Environment, Nutrition & Lifestyle, Mental And Emotional Well-Being, Fulfillment And Purpose, Physical Activity & Fitness, Sleep & Rest


Do you have any goals you need to set around this word these areas of health?

How will you remind yourself of your word throughout the year?

Will the different seasons affect how you think of your word or theme?

How else can you apply your word?

For additional reminders and support, follow me on Instagram or Facebook with the links below.


January 17, 2024


January 4, 2023