Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Summertime and the livin’ is easy…

On a super hot summer day I often think, “how does anyone get anything done in this weather?!” There’s nothing like breaking into a sweat just going to get the mail, right? Then I think about rocking chairs, front porches and lemonade and I’m reminded that it’s OK to slow down and maybe even do “nothing” for a while.

If you are feeling stagnant or unproductive in your promises to yourself, ask yourself if this is a good time to give your body and mind the break that it needs? We often feel like we have to keep pushing through, but what would happen if you shutdown for a bit? I like to think of this time as cocoon time. A comfy little space where are you safe to rest. And we all know what happens when we give ourselves that time in our cocoon, right?  We grow wings and can fly!

Not enough time to cocoon? Maybe we can find some when we consider the following from Cleveland Clinic on downtime:

“Research has found that taking breaks can improve your mood, boost your performance and increase your ability to concentrate and pay attention.”

“ burnout and the health problems that go hand-in-hand”

Breaks activate the Default Mode Network part of your brain which is “linked to things like ethics, memories, creativity and how we define our sense of self.”

Now giving your mind a break sadly doesn’t include dinner with friends or even making a puzzle. And it definitely doesn’t mean watching TV, scrolling social media or candy crush. For a real and replenishing brain break you need to let the mind wander.

Gaze out the window, zone out!  

Tip: If you’re having trouble letting the mind wander and letting go of thinking, try tuning in to something like…

watching the clouds


listening for birds


the hum of a fan


the sound of your own breath

If that’s still too hard for you, consider some mindLESS tasks like:


walking (silently)

or even vacuuming!

I see you! I know many of you are still “too busy”, but give it a try. See if scheduling true downtime makes a difference in your productivity. Maybe you can actually squeeze more into your day if you take good care of your brain.

A few reasons why…

Reduces stress

Better sleep

Improves mood

Increases energy

Increases resilience

Strengthens immunity

Decreases depression & anxiety

Helps with chronic pain & disease


I am offering a FREE Health Coaching Micro-session to the first 3 people that email me. A standard coaching client will commit to 7 sessions to work through a full process, BUT a micro-session is great when you already know what you want to work on and I help guide you to action steps for that particular topic.

Sessions will be scheduled in August as I will be in my cocoon for the month of July!

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

It's time to enjoy the blooms!

Just like bringing in the beautiful May blooms from the garden, practicing gratitude brings joy into your life.

We have all experienced gratitude naturally, but did you know you can experience that feeling more often by intentionally adopting a gratitude practice?  

Gratitude is seeing the good in others and in life itself.

Finding your rhythm and establishing a consistent routine that works for you can be the hardest part. Some ideas to get you thinking are…


Send a note of appreciation to someone.

Say ‘Thank you’

Start or end your day with 3 things you are grateful for.

Listen to a guided meditation on gratitude.

Acknowledge Gifts:

Sunrise / Sunset / Rainbows

Close parking spots

A good song on the radio

A hot shower

**And don’t forget to show gratitude to yourself!**

A few reasons Why…

Reduces stress

Better sleep

Improves mood

Increases energy

Increases resilience

Strengthens immunity

Decreases depression & anxiety

Helps with chronic pain & disease

Bonus Read: Positive psychology article with videos and exercises. Read Here.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

April Showers

Bring May Flowers

It’s time to plant some seeds for future blossoms!

Your challenge this month, should you accept, is to put pen to paper and dream big. What does the most ideal version of you look like? One way to to do this is to write about at a typical day in your ideal life (or ideal job or ideal relationship…) and make sure to include the following:

Physical Environment

Nutrition & Lifestyle

Mental/Emotional WellBeing

Fulfillment & Purpose

Physical Activity/Fitness


What if I told you that you could manifest it? If you do this exercise you’ll have already begun to make it happen.

Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.
— -Maya Angelou

Manifesting starts with being aware of your desires and what holds significance for you. Being extremely clear about your desires, right down to the smallest detail, will pave the way for you to start envisioning how they can come to fruition. Focusing on manifesting changes your energy. Similar to how practicing gratitude can enhance your sense of appreciation, identifying your desires and reasons behind them can help to bring them to fruition.

*There is so much you can google on Manifesting. If you are interested in more on this topic I encourage you to explore and see what resonates with you.

The "Wheel of Health", below, serves as the foundation for the Health & WellBeing coaching I provide to clients. I offer this to you as a tool, not just for the exercise above, but to monitor your overall health whenever possible.

The "Wheel of Health", below, serves as the foundation for the Health & WellBeing coaching I provide to clients. I offer this to you as a tool, not just for the exercise above, but to monitor your overall health whenever possible.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Make mine a mini…

Keep it easy, make it beautiful. Set yourself up for the best!

Setting yourself up for success

I talk to a lot of people who, at times, feel beaten down by life. Caught in the hamster wheel of constantly “doing” and feeling as if there is no time or no energy to make things better. I am not above this. In fact, I learn a lot from my conversations with others about their struggles. Sometimes it shines light on something I didn’t realize I was self-sabotaging and remind me that I’m not alone. I almost always learn something valuable from my coaching clients. One thing that really stands out this month for me is the importance of understanding your motivations and starting really really small.

Yup, you read that right.  Start really small,

minuscule maybe!

For years, I was an early morning walker, enjoying time outdoors or on my treadmill before work. But when my schedule changed, I stopped walking altogether. I missed it, yet I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. So on October 1, I challenged myself and a few friends to walk for just 15 minutes every day this month. This simple exercise has been eye-opening.

First, a small goal is much easier to achieve, even on the busiest days.

When I suddenly remember my challenge and it’s already dark outside I tell myself…it’s ONLY 15 minutes!

On the weekends, when I'm busy doing yard work or just being more active, I adjust my goal to weekdays only. It’s my goal, so I can do that to keep it working for me!  It’s empowering!!

I also tossed my sneakers in the car, allowing me to walk wherever I was headed. I discovered new locations I wouldn’t have otherwise explored!

Starting a walking routine in the fall has been a beautiful way to kick things off. It’s shown me that we can make our goals enjoyable or at least as easy as possible.

I loved this challenge so much that I'm planning something small and new for November. I’ll keep walking, but not necessarily every day. I’ll have to take a few minutes to really think about what I would benefit from the most and go from there.  

Here are some other examples of starting small:

  • Writing just the date in your journal every morning

  • Tracking just your breakfast calories daily

  • Cutting back on one soda a day

  • Turning off your phone 15 minutes before bed

  • Meditating for 2 minutes before leaving the house

  • Making a list of clubs or groups you might want to try

  • Having one meal a day without carbs, meat, or dairy

  • Going to bed 5 minutes earlier

WHAT ELSE?....I’d love to hear your minuscule goals and what you are celebrating!!

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Spring Cleaning

What do you need to rid yourself of to support your word?

What do you need to rid yourself of to support your word?







What will serve you to do without and how does this relate to your word or theme for the year?

Shared Words:  Today & Compassion

Below are words and explanations that were shared with me by followers of this wellness series. I love hearing about your words or what you are ridding yourself of. Share with me on Social or via Email.

Sharing is also a way to support each other.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

January 17, 2024

January - Choose a Word or Theme for the year. One single word to keep your focus. How can you apply this word to the different areas of your life?

2024 Wellness Series, Part I

Offering a month by month series to bring clarity and intention to the forefront and hold onto it all year.

Each month you will be asked questions or given a challenge. These emails were designed to encourage you to pause and check-in with yourself. It’s a invitation to prioritize your health in all aspects of the word. Ready?!

January - Choose a Word or Theme for the year. One single word to keep your focus. How can you apply this word to the different areas of your life?

Physical Environment, Nutrition & Lifestyle, Mental And Emotional Well-Being, Fulfillment And Purpose, Physical Activity & Fitness, Sleep & Rest

Do you have any goals you need to set around this word these areas of health?

How will you remind yourself of your word throughout the year?

Will the different seasons affect how you think of your word or theme?

How else can you apply your word?

Pro tip: grab a friend or two to complete these challenges. Share and learn from each other!

Keep a lookout for February’s email.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Your Word Part 2

It’s not too late!  

Even if it takes you a month or more to decide on your word, you are not behind. Choosing a word asks you to spend some time in self reflection.

January 25, 2024

It’s not too late!  

Even if it takes you a month or more to decide on your word, you are not behind. Choosing a word asks you to spend some time in self reflection. Just thinking about what your word should be this year begins the process of awareness and presence.

Why choose a word? Your word will help you to maintain focus and clarity throughout the year. Think of it as a gentle guide to steer you in whatever direction you choose. Take your time with this one. Meditate on it, pray about it, journal your thoughts. Whatever works for you to gain clarity.

My word? To be honest, it didn’t come to me easily. I’ve been tossing it around in my thoughts, trying different words and thinking about what they mean to me at this time in my life. Then it came to me. Connection

Applying this word to different parts of my life looks like this…

  • Connecting with friends and loved ones.

  • Connecting the different parts of my life to flow together more seamlessly.

  • Connecting deeply and purposefully with my clients .

  • Connecting my own actions with my beliefs.

  • Connecting my “why” with my “shoulds” and turning them into wants.

Which of these areas stand out to you? Maybe one will be your starting point.

Physical Environment, Nutrition & Lifestyle, Mental And Emotional Well-Being, Fulfillment And Purpose, Physical Activity & Fitness, Sleep & Rest


Do you have any goals you need to set around this word these areas of health?

How will you remind yourself of your word throughout the year?

Will the different seasons affect how you think of your word or theme?

How else can you apply your word?

For additional reminders and support, follow me on Instagram or Facebook with the links below.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

January 4, 2023

Moving blog, certified at Duke as a Health and WellBeing coach and volunteering at Ann’s Place for those who have been impacted by cancer.

ZenDitty’s Birthday & Welcome Back! is back in action to Launch ZenDitty Wellness! I hope you’ll stop by and have a look. I’m open to feedback and particularly looking for feedback on the explanation of the coaching program I’m offering.

The blog is being moved from the old site. My plan is to move them a few at a time. I think they warrant a re-read so I don’t want to overload anyone with too many at once. There will be new posts to come…..but one thing at a time. ;-)

Don’t know what I'm talking about?  In 2022 I signed up for a Health and WellBeing coaching class through Duke University and received my certification several months ago. Since then I’ve been busy re-building the website to share this exciting venture. My focus hasn’t changed.  You are my people and now I can be there for you at a deeper level when needed. We all need some clarity from time to time and someone to help you make sense of it all offers huge insights. This is not an offer of therapy, the ZenDitty method focuses on forward momentum. We build on past experiences and successes to form an action-oriented approach to goals. The Duke model focuses on every area of the human experience and starts at the most basic level to build confidence. Sometimes, “the thing is not the thing”. You might come to coaching because of stress and end up working on getting a good night’s sleep instead. Our parts are all related; if one part is out of whack, it can monkey up the whole works. Together we will sort through this cobweb and start implementing the changes that will have the biggest effect on your overall health.  

I have signed up with Ann’s Place, a local cancer facility that offers free services, to work with their clients and it has been tremendously rewarding to see their progress. This is of course a soft spot in my heart for the survivors and caregivers that fight so hard, but I also work with people in all areas of life. I truly believe it’s the regular person with regular struggles that can benefit so much from a little attention they normally wouldn’t receive. Just being heard and shining a light on issues or tendencies can be so impactful. So, if you are ready to move the needle forward in your life or know someone who is, I am currently accepting clients!  

Learn more at

Be Well,


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