Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Sometimes you just have to throw it out the window - and that’s OK!  

I lock in. One of my biggest pet peeves is a lack of authenticity, so when I commit to something, I can get stubborn about it. Like… this is what I do! But I’m realizing I need to be more fluid.

My journey started with balance—balancing health and living, medication and quality of life, family time and me time, spending and saving… you get it.

So where does balance fit into locking in? I make intentional, calculated choices, but sometimes my strictness leaves me feeling burnt out. Letting go of the rules I created helps reconnect me with my original “why.” That reason was always there, but somewhere along the way, it stopped driving me. My needs changed, but my actions didn’t adjust. I stayed locked in when I really needed to shift.

I’m learning to be less rigid—more fluid, lighter. Re-evaluating and making changes isn’t just necessary; it can be freeing. A fresh perspective on an old focus might just be the thing to highlight what’s been overlooked, neglected, or left simmering on the back burner for too long.

But it’s hard! Change means breaking out of autopilot. It means stepping into the unknown and facing self-inflicted challenges. But it can also mean reawakening or reviving something inside you.

When you take stock of your life and contemplate change, it’s tricky—not because you’re letting go of things that don’t serve you, but because you’re making room for things that might serve you even better. You’re not just swapping bad for good; sometimes, you’re swapping good for better—or simply for something new and refreshing.

If you’re in a rut or stuck in a routine that feels stagnant, I challenge you to switch things up. Try something new. Don’t stay locked into a routine just because it’s familiar. It may not be serving you best anymore.

What did I change?

The last couple of months have been big for me. I’ve always been pretty rigid with nutrition and exercise, but I realized I needed to adapt.

First—exercise. Chronic neck pain and posture issues pushed me to rethink my workout routine. For years, I stuck to the same “great” program with the same “great” people. And it was great—until it wasn’t. My body needed time to heal and adjust. So, for now, I’m focusing on what I need most, rather than pushing my limits. Simple, right? Except it wasn’t. As strange as it sounds, committing to stopping was the hardest part. That routine had become a part of me, and so had the people.

Second—diet. After eight years of following a pescatarian (and sometimes vegan) diet, I decided to make a change. My lifestyle made it tough to maintain properly, and I was often cooking double meals for myself and my family. Working with a nutritionist I came up with a new plan that is still mostly whole-food and plant-based, but also includes more animal proteins.

Upon reflection, I realized my dietary choices weren’t just about health—they were about control. I wanted to believe I was doing everything I could to prevent illness. And if I ever did get sick, at least I’d know I had done all I could. But here’s the thing: I haven’t done everything—because I’m human. And most of this isn’t in my control anyway.

So, this shift isn’t just about food. It’s about letting go—of control, of the belief that I’m solely responsible for every outcome. And honestly? It’s a relief.

It’s Just a Dance!

Photo taken at Grounds for Sculpture.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Hello 2025!

Are you living your life?

We talk a lot about goals and self-development. Often moving at light speed ahead and maybe not reflecting enough.  Nutrition, exercise, weight loss,  SLEEP, building a strong community that offers love and support, feeling fulfillment and purpose etc.  We talk about these things, we read about these things we listen to podcasts about these things, but have we stopped to stock of what we actually do and have?    

I'm not going to say what you think I'm going to say....or maybe you are more on to me than I realize? ;-) Read below and I'd love to hear what you actually think!

Are you living your life?

We talk a lot about goals and self-development. Often moving at light speed ahead and maybe not reflecting enough.  Nutrition, exercise, weight loss,  SLEEP, building a strong community that offers love and support, feeling fulfillment and purpose etc.  We talk about these things, we read about these things we listen to podcasts about these things, but have we stopped to stock of what we actually do and have?    

The following exercise is a great way of really seeing what your life looks like. I'm often surprised by all the things I have done throughout the year and even in difficult years there are little glimmers of light shining through. It's easy to miss these things and the exercise below helps to inspire reflection and  perspective. I hope you will find it worthwhile. 

A note before we jump in...
I have done this exercise many times, but I have never done it alone. I've used it as a time to connect with others. By scheduling a time with someone else it also serves as the accountability I need to actually get it done.  Whatever way feels right to you or maybe a combination of solitude and sharing. You can't go wrong.          

"Closing Out the Year"

Step 1: Gather Your Tools

  • Grab a piece of paper and a pen

  • Pull out your phone and planner—or anything else you use to track your life.

Step 2: Reflect on the Past Year

  • Flip through your calendar and photo roll. Write down anything that stands out: experiences, accomplishments, challenges, purchases, or milestones.

Step 3: Take It All In

Read through your list. Absorb all that happened in 2024.

  • Ask yourself:

    • What’s your overall impression?

    • Is the list balanced, or is it skewed toward one area of life?

    • What was really good about 2024? What obstacles did you overcome?

    • What do you want more of—and what do you want less of?

Step 4: Look Ahead

2025 is here, with 12 fresh months waiting to unfold. When you reflect on this year in 2026, what would you like it to look like? Some ideas to ground yourself firmly in the new year.   

- Write a story of your year ahead:
Who? What? How? Add as much detail as you can. You never know what you might just manifest!

 - Make a list of 25 things for 2025:
(credit to Happier with Gretchen Rubin Podcast where I first heard this idea!)

What is in the works? What have you been putting off? What have you always wanted to do? Make a list of 25 items, big or small, to address in the year to come.Consider these categories to get you started: Experience, Accomplish, Purchase, See, Smell, Give.

 -Set a word, mantra, or physical reminder (vision board, journal etc)

 By anchoring your plans for 2025 in reflection and intention,
you set yourself up for a year that’s not just full of goals
but full of meaning.

Here’s to a thoughtful and fulfilling year ahead!

Want a little extra?

My dear friend Elise brought this "closing out the year" exercise into my life several years ago. I do not know where it originated, but if you want to read more I'm sure there are many exercises like this online.  


Because, like the old adage says, "what you focus on grows" and conversely what you don't focus on doesn't.

This exercise also serves as a great journal of sorts. I love closing out the year to see all the things we did, but I also love looking back on past years for the memories. 

BONUS: This is a great activity to do with your partner and children or it also makes a great :girl's night in" bonding experience

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Happy, Merry, Either, Neither

Holiday Chatter

Holiday Chatter

There is so much out there this time of year on busyness, difficult relationships, grief, joy, mindfulness etc.  I have started this email several times and searched for inspiration, but nothing felt right. The problem is we are all facing different feelings, celebrations and beliefs about this time of year. Whatever you “celebrating”, it all brings ups and downs and as much as I’d like to offer you something to take with you through the holiday I’m busy navigating it myself.  

What I can share is what I am thinking about and maybe it resonate with you - or maybe it won’t. I am entering the holiday season with a pretty mediocre attitude. I hate this for myself and my loved ones. My energy has been low in general. Maybe I'm still escaping that cocoon!  ;-)  I desperately want to enjoy this stretch of holidays in a peaceful and relaxed way so I am trying to simplify. Simplify food, activities, decorations etc. To be very honest, as I am writing this email I had to stop to google homemade oreo cookies! Simplifying isn’t easy for me—it takes a lot of effort to quiet my mind.

The second thing on my mind is awareness of how my expectations can be problematic. I can’t change too much in the moment, but I can take a good look at what expectations I’m bringing into all the upcoming festivities and think about how I want to handle them. A couple things come to mind here…don’t expect a different attitude or gratefulness from people just because it’s a holiday. People are who they are and expecting them to be better or different somehow is bad on me, not them.  The second thing is that some people are just not in a good place. I need to remind myself that I am not a bad person or a worthless person because someone speaks to me or treats me in that way which then causes me to shrink away and later be resentful.  When I am able to be strong in myself I can more easily brush it off (as not being my problem at all) which brings me to the final thing on my mind this holiday season…

I need to practice some really good self-care so that I have the strength to handle the above.  Self-care for me involves eating right, sleeping right, exercise, not over-committing or over-promising, taking some quiet time to hear my own voice so that I make sure I don’t neglect the things that are important to me. It also involves some nurturing which I am still learning, but looks something like this - stopping to ask myself…”how are you doing right now?”, “What might you need?” It may involve walking away from something draining that is not mine to absorb and curling up with a book instead (ie. teenage angst) or simply ordering a pizza for the family because I’m getting close to the edge and I want to make sure I don’t lose it.

I hope there is something in this that sheds a little light on your upcoming gatherings and you can relax into what is good and release that which you have no control over.   

Want more?  

Psychology Today article titled  

10 Mindful Mantras to Boost Your Holiday Mood in 30 Seconds

 by Donald Altman

10 Affirmations to Boost Your Mood at the Holidays or Anytime

  1. I am calm and tolerant.

  2. I am peaceful and patient.

  3. I am flexible and spontaneous.

  4. I am inspiring, energizing, and activating.

  5. I am empowered and confident.

  6. I am compassionate and sympathetic.

  7. I am intelligent, generous, and caring.

  8. I am happy and optimistic.

  9. I am grateful and thankful.

  10. I am loving and accepting.

Use your affirmation with your breath. For example, inhale as you breathe in the feeling of calm, peace, love, or whatever your affirmation expresses. You might feel your heart center growing warm and open. Here are a few other tips for using your mantra affirmation:

  • Set the intention to repeat your affirmation throughout the day, for up to a minute or longer.

  • Write your affirmations on sticky notes and post them on your mirror, the wall, the refrigerator, etc.

  • Note how using your affirmation makes you feel. You can journal and experiment with different affirmations.

  • If you have a spiritual path, try using a mantra from that tradition.

  • Bring to mind someone who exemplifies your affirmation, such as a spiritual teacher or mentor. Imagine them as you say your affirmation.

For more about how and why to use mantras, visit:

Be gentle with yourselves. Be gentle with your loved ones.

Know you are loved, always.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Make mine a mini…

Setting yourself up for success

Setting yourself up for success

I talk to a lot of people who, at times, feel beaten down by life. Caught in the hamster wheel of constantly “doing” and feeling as if there is no time or no energy to make things better. I am not above this. In fact, I learn a lot from my conversations with others about their struggles. Sometimes it shines light on something I didn’t realize I was self-sabotaging and remind me that I’m not alone. I almost always learn something valuable from my coaching clients. One thing that really stands out this month for me is the importance of understanding your motivations and starting really really small.

Yup, you read that right.  Start really small, minuscule maybe!

For years, I was an early morning walker, enjoying time outdoors or on my treadmill before work. But when my schedule changed, I stopped walking altogether. I missed it, yet I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. So on October 1, I challenged myself and a few friends to walk for just 15 minutes every day this month. This simple exercise has been eye-opening.

First, a small goal is much easier to achieve, even on the busiest days.

When I suddenly remember my challenge and it’s already dark outside I tell myself…it’s ONLY 15 minutes!

On the weekends, when I'm busy doing yard work or just being more active, I adjust my goal to weekdays only. It’s my goal, so I can do that to keep it working for me!  It’s empowering!!

I also tossed my sneakers in the car, allowing me to walk wherever I was headed. I discovered new locations I wouldn’t have otherwise explored!

Starting a walking routine in the fall has been a beautiful way to kick things off. It’s shown me that we can make our goals enjoyable or at least as easy as possible.

I loved this challenge so much that I'm planning something small and new for November. I’ll keep walking, but not necessarily every day. I’ll have to take a few minutes to really think about what I would benefit from the most and go from there.  

Here are some other examples of starting small:

  • Writing just the date in your journal every morning

  • Tracking your breakfast calories daily

  • Cutting back on one soda a day

  • Turning off your phone 15 minutes before bed

  • Meditating for 2 minutes before leaving the house

  • Making a list of clubs or groups you might want to try

  • Having one meal a day without carbs, meat, or dairy

  • Going to bed 5 minutes earlier

WHAT ELSE?....I’d love to hear your minuscule goals and what you are celebrating!!

Want more?  

Psychology Today article titled  

Beat Procrastination by Aiming Low: One Tiny Step at a Time

 by Anna Svetchnikov LMFT states the following…

Tiny steps are far less intimidating and provide a sense of accomplishment and progress leading to:

  • Reduced Resistance. Our brains struggle with big, imposing goals, while small steps feel less threatening and achievable.

  • Boost in Confidence. Finishing even a tiny task provides a sense of accomplishment and encouragement to tackle the next step.

  • Momentum Builds. Action breeds action; each tiny win sets a pattern of success and progress.


Be gentle with yourselves. Be gentle with your loved ones.

Know you are loved, always.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Time to Hatch!

It’s Time to Hatch!
There has been a shift, do you feel it?

There has been a shift. Do you feel it?  

This week is the first official week of fall and I feel a shift. Not just in the weather, but in the schedules, my thoughts, my clothes, everything!  Things pick up speed from those nice cocoon days of summer. In a lot of ways, September marks a NEW YEAR. The changes offer a good time to reflect on what is going well and what we want more of, what we need and what we don’t need. Before hatching from your cocoon fully, (do you hatch from a cocoon??) take a breath, a pause, a beat. Even five minutes to just take stock of your life and needs, right now at this moment, is probably more time than you have intentionally given yourself in a long time.  

I have been having a lot of trouble writing this email. I have had many false starts and I think this is why….When coaching my clients we are always working towards something. Concentrating on small sustainable changes and tailoring them specifically to their life and needs. I am recognizing that sometimes our biggest need is status quo. Sometimes we need to float along and just enjoy the fruits of our labor. To see what comes up naturally, to just be present and not focus on the end goal. Of course this doesn’t mean to let everything fall apart, but more an honoring of what is in place and maybe permission to go with the flow and not need to work so hard right now.  Maybe. Maybe this isn’t where you are and by all means, take this opportunity of the September New Year to contemplate changes, set goals and embrace the vigor of a new season, but if this isn’t you right now that’s OK too!  

What I think is important for this transition to a new year/season is the reflection. Take stock in what you have and make that decision of floating or plowing through for yourself. Life is not something that happens to us. Let’s be intentional with whatever path we choose for this year. If you choose autopilot, you are not lazy!  On the contrary, you have gotten to a point where you can float along for a while. This is life, ebbs and flows.  Be aware of them, make them work for you.

And lucky us, the ZenDitty year begins again in January so there is always time to readjust the course and reflect!

Rambling Thoughts

You pick, maybe September doesn’t do it for you! Would you benefit from choosing a time to reflect? Maybe it was Labor Day, maybe your birthday, maybe even the first of every month?

Adding this wellness wheel as a tool. How would you rank yourself in each of these areas and where would you want to be? How do these areas of your wheel affect that which is most important to you in life? Are you being true to yourself?

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Summertime and the livin’ is easy…

On a super hot summer day I often think, “how does anyone get anything done in this weather?!” There’s nothing like breaking into a sweat just going to get the mail, right? Then I think about rocking chairs, front porches and lemonade and I’m reminded that it’s OK to slow down and maybe even do “nothing” for a while.

If you are feeling stagnant or unproductive in your promises to yourself, ask yourself if this is a good time to give your body and mind the break that it needs? We often feel like we have to keep pushing through, but what would happen if you shutdown for a bit? I like to think of this time as cocoon time. A comfy little space where are you safe to rest. And we all know what happens when we give ourselves that time in our cocoon, right?  We grow wings and can fly!

Not enough time to cocoon? Maybe we can find some when we consider the following from Cleveland Clinic on downtime:

“Research has found that taking breaks can improve your mood, boost your performance and increase your ability to concentrate and pay attention.”

“ burnout and the health problems that go hand-in-hand”

Breaks activate the Default Mode Network part of your brain which is “linked to things like ethics, memories, creativity and how we define our sense of self.”

Now giving your mind a break sadly doesn’t include dinner with friends or even making a puzzle. And it definitely doesn’t mean watching TV, scrolling social media or candy crush. For a real and replenishing brain break you need to let the mind wander.

Gaze out the window, zone out!  

Tip: If you’re having trouble letting the mind wander and letting go of thinking, try tuning in to something like…

watching the clouds


listening for birds


the hum of a fan


the sound of your own breath

If that’s still too hard for you, consider some mindLESS tasks like:


walking (silently)

or even vacuuming!

I see you! I know many of you are still “too busy”, but give it a try. See if scheduling true downtime makes a difference in your productivity. Maybe you can actually squeeze more into your day if you take good care of your brain.

A few reasons why…

Reduces stress

Better sleep

Improves mood

Increases energy

Increases resilience

Strengthens immunity

Decreases depression & anxiety

Helps with chronic pain & disease


I am offering a FREE Health Coaching Micro-session to the first 3 people that email me. A standard coaching client will commit to 7 sessions to work through a full process, BUT a micro-session is great when you already know what you want to work on and I help guide you to action steps for that particular topic.

Sessions will be scheduled in August as I will be in my cocoon for the month of July!

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

It's time to enjoy the blooms!

Just like bringing in the beautiful May blooms from the garden, practicing gratitude brings joy into your life.

We have all experienced gratitude naturally, but did you know you can experience that feeling more often by intentionally adopting a gratitude practice?  

Gratitude is seeing the good in others and in life itself.

Finding your rhythm and establishing a consistent routine that works for you can be the hardest part. Some ideas to get you thinking are…


Send a note of appreciation to someone.

Say ‘Thank you’

Start or end your day with 3 things you are grateful for.

Listen to a guided meditation on gratitude.

Acknowledge Gifts:

Sunrise / Sunset / Rainbows

Close parking spots

A good song on the radio

A hot shower

**And don’t forget to show gratitude to yourself!**

A few reasons Why…

Reduces stress

Better sleep

Improves mood

Increases energy

Increases resilience

Strengthens immunity

Decreases depression & anxiety

Helps with chronic pain & disease

Bonus Read: Positive psychology article with videos and exercises. Read Here.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

April Showers

Bring May Flowers

It’s time to plant some seeds for future blossoms!

Your challenge this month, should you accept, is to put pen to paper and dream big. What does the most ideal version of you look like? One way to to do this is to write about at a typical day in your ideal life (or ideal job or ideal relationship…) and make sure to include the following:

Physical Environment

Nutrition & Lifestyle

Mental/Emotional WellBeing

Fulfillment & Purpose

Physical Activity/Fitness


What if I told you that you could manifest it? If you do this exercise you’ll have already begun to make it happen.

Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.
— -Maya Angelou

Manifesting starts with being aware of your desires and what holds significance for you. Being extremely clear about your desires, right down to the smallest detail, will pave the way for you to start envisioning how they can come to fruition. Focusing on manifesting changes your energy. Similar to how practicing gratitude can enhance your sense of appreciation, identifying your desires and reasons behind them can help to bring them to fruition.

*There is so much you can google on Manifesting. If you are interested in more on this topic I encourage you to explore and see what resonates with you.

The "Wheel of Health", below, serves as the foundation for the Health & WellBeing coaching I provide to clients. I offer this to you as a tool, not just for the exercise above, but to monitor your overall health whenever possible.

The "Wheel of Health", below, serves as the foundation for the Health & WellBeing coaching I provide to clients. I offer this to you as a tool, not just for the exercise above, but to monitor your overall health whenever possible.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Make mine a mini…

Keep it easy, make it beautiful. Set yourself up for the best!

Setting yourself up for success

I talk to a lot of people who, at times, feel beaten down by life. Caught in the hamster wheel of constantly “doing” and feeling as if there is no time or no energy to make things better. I am not above this. In fact, I learn a lot from my conversations with others about their struggles. Sometimes it shines light on something I didn’t realize I was self-sabotaging and remind me that I’m not alone. I almost always learn something valuable from my coaching clients. One thing that really stands out this month for me is the importance of understanding your motivations and starting really really small.

Yup, you read that right.  Start really small,

minuscule maybe!

For years, I was an early morning walker, enjoying time outdoors or on my treadmill before work. But when my schedule changed, I stopped walking altogether. I missed it, yet I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. So on October 1, I challenged myself and a few friends to walk for just 15 minutes every day this month. This simple exercise has been eye-opening.

First, a small goal is much easier to achieve, even on the busiest days.

When I suddenly remember my challenge and it’s already dark outside I tell myself…it’s ONLY 15 minutes!

On the weekends, when I'm busy doing yard work or just being more active, I adjust my goal to weekdays only. It’s my goal, so I can do that to keep it working for me!  It’s empowering!!

I also tossed my sneakers in the car, allowing me to walk wherever I was headed. I discovered new locations I wouldn’t have otherwise explored!

Starting a walking routine in the fall has been a beautiful way to kick things off. It’s shown me that we can make our goals enjoyable or at least as easy as possible.

I loved this challenge so much that I'm planning something small and new for November. I’ll keep walking, but not necessarily every day. I’ll have to take a few minutes to really think about what I would benefit from the most and go from there.  

Here are some other examples of starting small:

  • Writing just the date in your journal every morning

  • Tracking just your breakfast calories daily

  • Cutting back on one soda a day

  • Turning off your phone 15 minutes before bed

  • Meditating for 2 minutes before leaving the house

  • Making a list of clubs or groups you might want to try

  • Having one meal a day without carbs, meat, or dairy

  • Going to bed 5 minutes earlier

WHAT ELSE?....I’d love to hear your minuscule goals and what you are celebrating!!

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Spring Cleaning

What do you need to rid yourself of to support your word?

What do you need to rid yourself of to support your word?







What will serve you to do without and how does this relate to your word or theme for the year?

Shared Words:  Today & Compassion

Below are words and explanations that were shared with me by followers of this wellness series. I love hearing about your words or what you are ridding yourself of. Share with me on Social or via Email.

Sharing is also a way to support each other.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

January 17, 2024

January - Choose a Word or Theme for the year. One single word to keep your focus. How can you apply this word to the different areas of your life?

2024 Wellness Series, Part I

Offering a month by month series to bring clarity and intention to the forefront and hold onto it all year.

Each month you will be asked questions or given a challenge. These emails were designed to encourage you to pause and check-in with yourself. It’s a invitation to prioritize your health in all aspects of the word. Ready?!

January - Choose a Word or Theme for the year. One single word to keep your focus. How can you apply this word to the different areas of your life?

Physical Environment, Nutrition & Lifestyle, Mental And Emotional Well-Being, Fulfillment And Purpose, Physical Activity & Fitness, Sleep & Rest

Do you have any goals you need to set around this word these areas of health?

How will you remind yourself of your word throughout the year?

Will the different seasons affect how you think of your word or theme?

How else can you apply your word?

Pro tip: grab a friend or two to complete these challenges. Share and learn from each other!

Keep a lookout for February’s email.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

Your Word Part 2

It’s not too late!  

Even if it takes you a month or more to decide on your word, you are not behind. Choosing a word asks you to spend some time in self reflection.

January 25, 2024

It’s not too late!  

Even if it takes you a month or more to decide on your word, you are not behind. Choosing a word asks you to spend some time in self reflection. Just thinking about what your word should be this year begins the process of awareness and presence.

Why choose a word? Your word will help you to maintain focus and clarity throughout the year. Think of it as a gentle guide to steer you in whatever direction you choose. Take your time with this one. Meditate on it, pray about it, journal your thoughts. Whatever works for you to gain clarity.

My word? To be honest, it didn’t come to me easily. I’ve been tossing it around in my thoughts, trying different words and thinking about what they mean to me at this time in my life. Then it came to me. Connection

Applying this word to different parts of my life looks like this…

  • Connecting with friends and loved ones.

  • Connecting the different parts of my life to flow together more seamlessly.

  • Connecting deeply and purposefully with my clients .

  • Connecting my own actions with my beliefs.

  • Connecting my “why” with my “shoulds” and turning them into wants.

Which of these areas stand out to you? Maybe one will be your starting point.

Physical Environment, Nutrition & Lifestyle, Mental And Emotional Well-Being, Fulfillment And Purpose, Physical Activity & Fitness, Sleep & Rest


Do you have any goals you need to set around this word these areas of health?

How will you remind yourself of your word throughout the year?

Will the different seasons affect how you think of your word or theme?

How else can you apply your word?

For additional reminders and support, follow me on Instagram or Facebook with the links below.

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Tosha Gordon Tosha Gordon

January 4, 2023

Moving blog, certified at Duke as a Health and WellBeing coach and volunteering at Ann’s Place for those who have been impacted by cancer.

ZenDitty’s Birthday & Welcome Back! is back in action to Launch ZenDitty Wellness! I hope you’ll stop by and have a look. I’m open to feedback and particularly looking for feedback on the explanation of the coaching program I’m offering.

The blog is being moved from the old site. My plan is to move them a few at a time. I think they warrant a re-read so I don’t want to overload anyone with too many at once. There will be new posts to come…..but one thing at a time. ;-)

Don’t know what I'm talking about?  In 2022 I signed up for a Health and WellBeing coaching class through Duke University and received my certification several months ago. Since then I’ve been busy re-building the website to share this exciting venture. My focus hasn’t changed.  You are my people and now I can be there for you at a deeper level when needed. We all need some clarity from time to time and someone to help you make sense of it all offers huge insights. This is not an offer of therapy, the ZenDitty method focuses on forward momentum. We build on past experiences and successes to form an action-oriented approach to goals. The Duke model focuses on every area of the human experience and starts at the most basic level to build confidence. Sometimes, “the thing is not the thing”. You might come to coaching because of stress and end up working on getting a good night’s sleep instead. Our parts are all related; if one part is out of whack, it can monkey up the whole works. Together we will sort through this cobweb and start implementing the changes that will have the biggest effect on your overall health.  

I have signed up with Ann’s Place, a local cancer facility that offers free services, to work with their clients and it has been tremendously rewarding to see their progress. This is of course a soft spot in my heart for the survivors and caregivers that fight so hard, but I also work with people in all areas of life. I truly believe it’s the regular person with regular struggles that can benefit so much from a little attention they normally wouldn’t receive. Just being heard and shining a light on issues or tendencies can be so impactful. So, if you are ready to move the needle forward in your life or know someone who is, I am currently accepting clients!  

Learn more at

Be Well,


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