January 4, 2023

ZenDitty’s Birthday & Welcome Back!

ZenDitty.com is back in action to Launch ZenDitty Wellness! I hope you’ll stop by and have a look. I’m open to feedback and particularly looking for feedback on the explanation of the coaching program I’m offering.

The blog is being moved from the old site. My plan is to move them a few at a time. I think they warrant a re-read so I don’t want to overload anyone with too many at once. There will be new posts to come…..but one thing at a time. ;-)

Don’t know what I'm talking about?  In 2022 I signed up for a Health and WellBeing coaching class through Duke University and received my certification several months ago. Since then I’ve been busy re-building the website to share this exciting venture. My focus hasn’t changed.  You are my people and now I can be there for you at a deeper level when needed. We all need some clarity from time to time and someone to help you make sense of it all offers huge insights. This is not an offer of therapy, the ZenDitty method focuses on forward momentum. We build on past experiences and successes to form an action-oriented approach to goals. The Duke model focuses on every area of the human experience and starts at the most basic level to build confidence. Sometimes, “the thing is not the thing”. You might come to coaching because of stress and end up working on getting a good night’s sleep instead. Our parts are all related; if one part is out of whack, it can monkey up the whole works. Together we will sort through this cobweb and start implementing the changes that will have the biggest effect on your overall health.  

I have signed up with Ann’s Place, a local cancer facility that offers free services, to work with their clients and it has been tremendously rewarding to see their progress. This is of course a soft spot in my heart for the survivors and caregivers that fight so hard, but I also work with people in all areas of life. I truly believe it’s the regular person with regular struggles that can benefit so much from a little attention they normally wouldn’t receive. Just being heard and shining a light on issues or tendencies can be so impactful. So, if you are ready to move the needle forward in your life or know someone who is, I am currently accepting clients!  

Learn more at www.ZenDitty.com

Be Well,



Your Word Part 2