Make mine a mini…
Setting yourself up for success
I talk to a lot of people who, at times, feel beaten down by life. Caught in the hamster wheel of constantly “doing” and feeling as if there is no time or no energy to make things better. I am not above this. In fact, I learn a lot from my conversations with others about their struggles. Sometimes it shines light on something I didn’t realize I was self-sabotaging and remind me that I’m not alone. I almost always learn something valuable from my coaching clients. One thing that really stands out this month for me is the importance of understanding your motivations and starting really really small.
Yup, you read that right. Start really small,
minuscule maybe!
For years, I was an early morning walker, enjoying time outdoors or on my treadmill before work. But when my schedule changed, I stopped walking altogether. I missed it, yet I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. So on October 1, I challenged myself and a few friends to walk for just 15 minutes every day this month. This simple exercise has been eye-opening.
First, a small goal is much easier to achieve, even on the busiest days.
When I suddenly remember my challenge and it’s already dark outside I tell myself…it’s ONLY 15 minutes!
On the weekends, when I'm busy doing yard work or just being more active, I adjust my goal to weekdays only. It’s my goal, so I can do that to keep it working for me! It’s empowering!!
I also tossed my sneakers in the car, allowing me to walk wherever I was headed. I discovered new locations I wouldn’t have otherwise explored!
Starting a walking routine in the fall has been a beautiful way to kick things off. It’s shown me that we can make our goals enjoyable or at least as easy as possible.
I loved this challenge so much that I'm planning something small and new for November. I’ll keep walking, but not necessarily every day. I’ll have to take a few minutes to really think about what I would benefit from the most and go from there.
Here are some other examples of starting small:
Writing just the date in your journal every morning
Tracking just your breakfast calories daily
Cutting back on one soda a day
Turning off your phone 15 minutes before bed
Meditating for 2 minutes before leaving the house
Making a list of clubs or groups you might want to try
Having one meal a day without carbs, meat, or dairy
Going to bed 5 minutes earlier
WHAT ELSE?....I’d love to hear your minuscule goals and what you are celebrating!!