LOL (Living Out Loud)
I am seriously not laughing! This actually terrifies me. Truth be told I have pretty thin skin and I have been fighting this idea of blogging for a long time. For me it is a strong pull and I’ve finally succumbed to it. The revelations I will be sharing with you are nothing new and many scholars and minds far more beautiful than mine have shared many ideas far more eloquently, but despite feeling unworthy I still have this pull. So I asked myself is it possible that my words and my experiences and the way I package it all might just speak to the soul of another?
I received a gift (they are all around if you are looking for them). I received a reiki session that released worlds of sadness, stress and emotion I had been carrying around with me for who knows how long! I left that session with tears pouring down my face and by the time I made it to my driveway was sobbing. It was that release of energy and that clarity of mind and spirit that has been forming this blog for the last year. It unleased an intense desire to help others de-compress or better yet not get to the point of needing release. This has taken many forms before deciding on a blog format. I have big plans and if you will follow me you may see them come to fruition. For now, let me tell you that I am a breast cancer survivor diagnosed in 2014. Having undergone a bilateral mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation has put a very clear lens on my life. I am a mom of 3 sweet and loving boys who keep me going even on the darkest days. I am a wife to the most supportive and loving man I could have wished for and daughter to parents who would drop anything for me or my siblings. It is because of all of them that my light continues to shine and I have the strength to share with you!
What I want for you is a sense of CALM in these crazy lives we lead. To create a healthy quality life full of love. I hope you will come back as I share my own revelations and struggles. Together we will form new habits of caring for the most important person in our life; YOU. After all, without you there would be a big hole of emptiness and we need you to shine your light bright in this world.
Peace, Tosha